Gerald and Constance Bouey
Often our initial exposure to the virtues of compassion, empathy, altruism, and love, introduced to us by our mothers, teaches us how to be useful to others, giving us skills to operate with civility. These nurturing attributes are slowly de-constructed and minimized typically around the ages of 8–12, as the influence of the culture takes over as “teacher” (Perry, 2008). At that age young minds begin to become numb to the viability of compassion,
empathy, altruism, and love.
The WHO and the WHAT
Learning To Be Human, Power Station of LOVE (LTBH,PSL) was created in August 2017 as a 501c3 entity dedicated to infusing individuals, communities and organizations with practices of the heart. We intend FIRST to be a benefit and a resource in the community we live in and SECONDLY, be a benefit to the broader community. Our designed approaches are delivered in different venues including workshops, presentations, and one-on-one processes re- igniting the virtues of compassion, empathy, altruism, and love to those most impacted by its absence or diminished contribution to their lives.